Carmel Market, Tel Aviv / שוק הכרמל

Olive oil, tahini and smoked fish
Tel Aviv's largest open-air market on a Friday morning. 

The market branches from Carmel St [map here] to the neighboring streets.  It operates officially as a market since 1920. Its original landowners were well to do Russian Jews who purchased the lots in 1913 as an investment. In the aftermath of October 1917 Russian revolution they fled to...
Tel Aviv to salvage what property they had left.(Source of this info in Hebrew, here).

Kibbeh, cigars, and pastels

These pretzls are making me thirsty

Herbs and cured olives


  1. Beautiful! When were the pictures taken? I see a watermelon in the background…

  2. Thanks! Actually, I took the pictures just this past week, March 2011.

  3. uh, out of season watermelons:
